
These trees have been compiled on the basis of reasonable probability or "more probable than not", which is the standard of proof required by civil courts in England. It is less strict than "beyond reasonable doubt", needed to convict in criminal cases. Whitehouse genealogy is difficult because of the frequency of the name, particularly in the West Midlands. It will be found that some trees could be taken further back in time on a speculative basis, but that basis has not been followed. The trees are not necessarily complete or perfect: some probably have processing errors and others could benefit from more research. Many need updating.

Basic rules of tree construction

Trees are drawn or re-drawn in MS Excel, using a portrait mode and tall tree format, in which the oldest ancestor appears at the left side and descendants in subsequent columns, moving left to right.  To keep this exercise within achievable limits, two rules are normally followed:  (1) The tree will not usually descend along female lines.  That is to say, if Mary Whitehouse marries John Smith and they have children, the tree will normally merely say Issue (whether or not such children survive beyond infancy);  (2) The tree will not include any Whitehouse with a date of birth of 1902 or later, unless he or she has a brother or sister born before then, in which case all the siblings are included along with their spouses (regardless of when the spouse was born).  Of course, the children of these siblings do not qualify for inclusion, because they were born after 1902, but, again, Issue  of the siblings will be mentioned by the word Issue , if it is known that they had any.  Exceptions will be made to these rules from time to time to include an additional generation, but no modern generations will be included.


Event symbols used

A key is provided, normally in the left column. Following are the standard abbreviations for events:

a. adopted; ae aged; aka also known as; b. born; c. baptised (christened); Cem. Cemetery; cs census; d. died; h1, h2 husband's 1st, 2nd, 3rd marriage; i. buried (interred; m. married; NA Non-Anglican; p. partnered; q. quarter of the year; r. registered; R Register (1939 R indicates the Register taken shortly after the outbreak of the second world war); RD Registration District; Res. residence; RO Register Office; t. twin; Underlining denotes name by which usually known (applies when someone is not known by their first forename); v. divorced; w1, w2, w3 wife's 1st, 2nd. 3rd marriage


Place symbols used

Place symbols are based on the two letter International Standard code for major countries. Increasingly, an effort is being made to avoid using CA for Canada, CH for Switzerland and DE for Germany, to prevent confusion with California, Chester and Derby, respectively. For counties within the United Kingdom, the Chapman County Code is used. Towns outside the West Midlands are abbreviated by their postcode, while within the West Midlands, a town code is used for major places. A separate file (WM TOWN CODE) gives details of all these codes and can be accessed from the first page of this website.

Otherwise, the place is normally given in full, but to keep the layout concise, some places are given additional codes, for example BiF = Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire), Bkhd = Birkenhead (Cheshire), Brwd = Brewood, C Hay = Cheslyn Hay, Gt Wyr = Great Wyrley, Hnfd = Hednesford and Hthn = Hatherton (all mid-Staffordshire). In the United States and Canada, the usual two letter codes (zipcodes) denote their states and provinces. Australian states are given their usual abbreviations.


Whenever known, the place of a marriage is shown as both town and church (or, if not in a church, Register Office). AA means All Angels ;  All Sts means All Saints; "St Bt" means St Bartholomew, St Cath St Catherine, Ch Ch Christ Church, St Clem St Clement, "St Cuth" St Cuthbert, St Edmd St Edmund, St Edwd St Edward, St Geo St George, Holy T Holy Trinity, St Jas St James, St John B , St John the Baptist  St John E , St John the Evangelist, St Lawr , St Lawrence, St Leon St Leonard, St Mary V St Mary the Virgin, St Matt St Matthew, St Michl St Michael; St Mtn St Martin, "St P & P" St Peter and St Paul, St Ptr St Peter, St Savr St Saviour, St Ste St Stephen.  The parish church in Basford, Notts is St. Leodegarius, abbreviated to "St Leods".  In some trees, Methodist is abbreviated to "Meth." and Wesleyan to "Wes."


Notes within trees

These normally appear in the left column below the symbol keys. The system used is to number them by columns, working downwards within each column. Sometimes, this system becomes upset when new notes are inserted and are numbered to follow on from the last number used, to avoid extensive re-numbering. In a few trees, the notes are so extensive that they are placed at the end of the chart instead of in the left column.


WFHC references

The descent of a registered correspondent is shown by an arrow to his WFHC correspondent number. This does not necessarily indicate that he is of the generation that follows immediately: there might be several generations in between. Also, it does not indicate that the correspondent is himself the descendant: his spouse might be. Once registered, a correspondent remains referenced by his WFHC number. Alas, many are no longer contactable or are deceased. The identity of correspondents and contact details are private, though, of course, some have chosen to make their trees public by putting them on a website or to communicate with others on the tree and the WFHC has no responsibility for this


Events in the tree are referenced to WFHC numbers in marriage, census, probate and a few other database files. The previous complicated system of referencing was abandoned in March 2021 in favour of using just the tree number. Where there is more than one correspondent attached to a tree, the tree number is that of the lowest correspondent number which can be obtained from the correspondent key file.


Tree numbers

Trees are named by the WFHC tree numbers, followed by the date of the tree in yymmdd order. Where there is more than one correspondent, the tree has been assigned the lowest correspondent number, regardless of whether that correspondent is contactable or not and regardless of whether that tree is long or short. A link to the correspondent key is provided on the index page of this website to enable all registered correspondents to determine the number for their tree.


001 Tree 220311.xlsx

001 Tree 220311.xlsx

002 Tree 140930.xlsx

003 CJW Arms.jpg

003 Green Dragon.doc

003 Jim W Book Extr.doc

003 Tree 150914.xlsx

004 Tree 230317.xlsx

005 Tree 141006.xlsx

006 EHW Memoir.pdf

006 Tree 221110.xlsx

007 Tree 150203.xlsx

008 Nfd Wills Abstr.doc

008 Tree 150307.xlsx

009 Tree 221216.xlsx

010 Tree 221127.xlsx

011 Tree 150209.xlsx

012 Tree 140822.xlsx

012 WGBW Fam Hist.pdf

013 Tree 150924.xlsx

014 Tree 141211.xlsx

015 Tree 150216.xlsx

016 Life & T Abrm W.pdf

016 Tree 150218.xlsx

017 Tree 150403.xlsx

018 Tree 140803.xlsx

020 Tree 150622.xlsx

021 Tree 150618.xlsx

022 Tree 150626.xlsx

023 Tree 240104.xlsx

024 Tree 140815.xlsx

025 Tree 150710.xlsx

026 Tree 161213.xlsx

027 Tree 240310.xlsx

028 Tree 160716.xlsx

030 Tree 161220.xlsx

031 Tree 230513.xlsx

032 Tree 171001.xlsx

033 Tree 171004.xlsx

034 Tree 190725.xlsx

035 Tree 171009.xlsx

036 Appendix.pdf

036 Tree 171017.xlsx

037 Tree 221118.xlsx

039 Tree 171020.xlsx

040 Tree 171028.xlsx

041 Tree 221129.xlsx

042 Tree 230317.xlsx

043 Tree 240317.xlsx

044 Tree 170920.xlsx

045 Tree 240318.xlsx

046 Tree 240323.xlsx

047 Tree 240401.xlsx

049 Tree 180321.xlsx

050 Tree 240303.xlsx

051 Tree 111101.xlsx

052 Tree 120604.xlsx

053 Tree 240310.xlsx

054 Tree 130323.xlsx

059 Tree 121015.xlsx

060 Tree 240405.xlsx

061 Tree 121108.xlsx

064 Tree 230901.xlsx

065 Tree 111218.xlsx

066 Cornelius Biog 081201.doc

066 History of Wednesbury.pdf

066 Pat 5109-1825.pdf

066 Tree 170817.xlsx

066 Walsall Advtr 890302.jpg

067 Tree 110324.xlsx

068 Tree 140808.xlsx

070 Tree 101123.xlsx

071 Tree 230612.xlsx

072 Tree 080306.xlsx

073 Tree 070823.xlsx

074 Tree 140920.xlsx

075 Tree 240420.xlsx

077 Tree 101031.xlsx

080 Tree 240521.xlsx

081 Tree 180331.xlsx

083 Tree 240421.xlsx

085 Tree 090919.xlsx

086 Tree 121031.xlsx

087 Tree 180223.xlsx

088 Tree 120323.xlsx

089 Tree 120326.xlsx

090 Tree 111222.xlsx

092 Tree 121119.xlsx

093 Tree 091011.xlsx

095 Tree 101216.xlsx

097 Tree 121114.xlsx

098 Tree 111124.xlsx

099 Tree 121205.xlsx

101 Tree 130722.xlsx

102 Tree 240616.xlsx

104 Tree 240509.xlsx

108 Tree 070307.xlsx

109 Tree 111127.xlsx

110 Tree 100207.xlsx

111 Tree 130418.xlsx

112 Tree 241031.xlsx

113 Tree 070423.xlsx

114 Tree 080409.xlsx

116 Tree 070123.xlsx

117 Tree 070519.xlsx

118 Tree 080803.xlsx

119 Tree 130727.xlsx

121 Tree 070820.xlsx

122 Tree 121115.xlsx

123 Tree 080923.xlsx

129 Tree 081014.xlsx

131 Tree 081021.xlsx

132 Tree 070310.xlsx

135 Tree 140809.xlsx

136 Tree 091201.xlsx

137 Gayle T's KY Hist^.docx

137 Krause's FH.pdf

137 Tree 141013.xlsx

138 Tree 240818.xlsx

139 Tree 100131.xlsx

141 Tree 221115.xlsx

143 Tree 070806.xlsx

144 Tree 130122.xlsx

145 Tree 221116.xlsx

147 Tree 120126.xlsx

148 Family bible.pdf

148 Ray Shill article.pdf

148 SoG tree.pdf

148 Tree 140613.xlsx

149 Tree 140823.xlsx

150 Tree 111027.xlsx

151 Tree 110616.xlsx

154 Tree 080916.xlsx

156 Tree 080324.xlsx

157 Tree 080324.xlsx

158 Tree 140619.xlsx

159 Tree 060831.xlsx

162 Tree 190427.xlsx

164 Tree 080327.xlsx

166 Tree 140721.xlsx

168 Tree 120128.xlsx

169 Tree 100312.xlsx

170 Tree 070624.xlsx

175 Tree 110630.xlsx

176 Tree 080306.xlsx

177 Tree 070625.xlsx

178 Tree 100110.xlsx

192 Tree 110629.xlsx

194 Tree 130611.xlsx

195 Tree 090716.xlsx

196 Tree 090531.xlsx

198 Tree 070114.xlsx

199 Tree 090123.xlsx

200 Tree 081021.xlsx

201 Tree 130211.xlsx

203 Tree 090320.xlsx

204 Tree 080901.xlsx

205 Tree 240207.xlsx

206 Tree 090327.xlsx

207 Tree 080324.xlsx

210 Tree 960914.xlsx

212 Tree 080324.xlsx

212 Tree 241114.xlsx

216 Tree 080115.xlsx

217 Tree 121130.xlsx

221 Tree 081014.xlsx

222 Tree 160715.xlsx

223 Tree 120328.xlsx

227 Tree 091027.xlsx

228 Tree 240310.xlsx

229 Tree 140619.xlsx

231 Tree 120820.xlsx

232 Tree 070808.xlsx

235 Tree 241122.xlsx

241 Tree 100203.xlsx

243 Bugle 100408.pdf

243 Tree 110628.xlsx

244 Tree 070623.xlsx

245 Tree 080326.xlsx

246 Tree 070504.xlsx

247 Tree 110125.xlsx

249 Tree 100202.xlsx

250 Tree 130316.xlsx

251 Tree 201102.xlsx

252 Tree 130423.xlsx

253 Tree 121117.xlsx

254 Tree 130923.xlsx

257 Tree 120511.xlsx

258 Tree 100723.xlsx

259 Tree 110405.xlsx

261 Bagnalls Book.pdf

261 Tree 130803.xlsx

262 Tree 120511.xlsx

264 Tree 241123.xlsx

267 Tree 070723.xlsx

269 Tree110322.xlsx

270 Tree 101031.xlsx

273 Tree 081017.xlsx

274 Tree 140916.xlsx

276 Tree 140516.xlsx

277 Tree 120513.xlsx

278 Tree 100719.xlsx

279 Tree 121101.xlsx

280 Tree 100406.xlsx

284 Tree 120121.xlsx

289 Tree 090609.xlsx

290 Tree 120302.xlsx

291 Tree 120405.xlsx

295 Tree 130113.xlsx

296 Tree 091028.xlsx

297 Albert Potter biog.doc

297 Isaiah Potter biog.doc

297 Tree 110708.xlsx

298 Tree 110926.xlsx

299 Tree 120518.xlsx

302 Tree 061103.xlsx

304 Tree 120924.xlsx

307 Tree 080925.xlsx

309 Tree 090101.xlsx

314 Tree 100801.xlsx

317 Tree 111101.xlsx

325 Tree 231120.xlsx

327 Tree 130302.xlsx

330 Tree 120824.xlsx

334 Tree 120209.xlsx

337 Tree 120930.xlsx

338 Tree 241130.xlsx

347 Tree 091203.xlsx

349 Tree 090328.xlsx

350 Tree 140125.xlsx

351 Tree 100124.xlsx

354 Tree 110425.xlsx

356 Tree 120928.xlsx

359 Tree 221116.xlsx

362 Tree 241130.xlsx

364 Tree 090620.xlsx

370 Tree 150122.xlsx

371 Tree 070223.xlsx

373 Tree 110826.xlsx

374 Tree 110626.xlsx

375 Tree 121009.xlsx

376 Tree 110924.xlsx

377 Tree 120930.xlsx

378 Tree 221115.xlsx

379 Tree 120929.xlsx

381 Tree 090101.xlsx

382 Tree 080925.xlsx

383 Tree 130323.xlsx

387 Tree 160225.xlsx

388 Tree 121027.xlsx

390 Tree 121030.xlsx

397 Tree 121115.xlsx

403 Tree 120117.xlsx

406 Tree 080605.xls

412 Tree 110731.xlsx

413 Tree 110731.xlsx

424 Tree 120303.xlsx

425 Tree 181019.xlsx

428 Tree 120924.xlsx

433 Tree 100329.xlsx

434 Tree 120924.xlsx

435 Tree 061119.xls

436 Tree 070204.xlsx

438 Tree 061119.xlsx

439 Tree 061115.xlsx

440 Tree 070130.xlsx

441 TFW Photo.jpg

441 Tree 140812.xlsx

442 Tree 130105.xlsx

444 Tree 240801.xlsx

451 Tree 110322.xlsx

455 Tree 071203.xlsx

458 Tree 140425.xlsx

463 Tree 120425.xlsx

464 Tree 00101.xlsx

467 Tree 090328.xlsx

469 Tree 150531.xlsx

470 Tree 080731.xlsx

478 Tree 090112.xlsx

488 Tree 150308.xlsx

490 Tree 090612.xls

512 Tree 241210.xlsx

529 Tree 111014.xlsx

531 Tree 130517.xlsx

540 Tree 121006.xls

540 Tree 121006.xlsx

544 Tree 130404.xlsx

544 WWW Memoirs 1.pdf

544 WWW Memoirs 2.doc

558 Tree 140215.xlsx

560 Tree 150222.xlsx

562 Tree 140611.xlsx

570 Tree 150215.xlsx

571 Tree 150912.xlsx

572 Tree 160315.xlsx

574 Tree 160305.xlsx

576 Tree 210514.xlsx

578 Tree 230511.xlsx

Reconciliation 241118.xlsx